an apprentice…

What is the role of an apprentice in a church context? Is it to do the mundane tasks that none else in the church wants to do? Is it to reach out to the teenagers who are facing so much inner turmoil and hardship from their peers on a daily basis? Is it to learn what it looks like to run a church? Is it to die to yourself, give up everything you knew to be normal and natural and ‘serve’ in a self denying, life altering way – in the name of Jesus? Should it be expected that because you have moved to another country you should leave behind those people you love and who care for you and hope and trust that (if and) when you return things will be as they were, the relationships will be intact and that period of being absent will just disappear?


Is it to be used in the growth of the kingdom, giving God the glory and trusting that this is what he wants for that apprentice and trust that he is in control and knows what relationships to uphold and what ones to let go of?


Is it to love as Jesus loved. To love both those who come into your path as a result of your moving country to volunteer for 2 years and still be able to love and be loved by those who you ‘left behind’? To be in contact with them and let them be the people, as well as those who are part of your apprenticeship team, who help you through circumstances and situations that can be difficult and also have them point you to Jesus? And also delight with you when things are going well!


can or should any of these things happen simultaneously?

When or how or why is that people have the right to essential dictate the way you live your life? How much contact you have with home? How many times to pop home to see family and friends and to re-energise because work is hard and deep down the apprentice is a home bird and misses people a lot!  How much?! Who?! When?! Why?!

all thoughts welcome


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